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Animal Equality Demonstrates at McDonald's New Headquarters, Urges Company to Adopt Policy Reducing the Suffering of Chickens

Igualdad Animal se convierte en la primera organización en acceder a la industria lechera en México y revela una crueldad impactante. Inseminación artificial, separación de crías, corte de cuernos, ordeña y finalmente el matadero son las escenas que han grabado los investigadores en distintas granjas del país.

Animal Equality becomes the first organization to gain access to the dairy industry in Mexico and reveals shocking cruelty. Forced impregnation, separation of mother cows from their babies and dehorning, are all caught on camera by investigators from the international organization at farms across Mexico.

La organización internacional Igualdad Animal condena al gigante de los supermercados por la venta de huevos de gallinas criadas en jaulas de batería, y llama a la empresa a implementar una política de eliminación del cruel sistema de confinamiento.

Animal Equality Condemns Grocery Giant for Selling Eggs from Hens Crammed in Restrictive Cages, Calls for Company to Implement a Policy Banning the Cruel Confinement System.

La organización internacional Igualdad Animal presenta una nueva investigación sobre la industria avícola en México.

First-ever sentence handed down for farm animal cruelty in Spain, thanks to US-based international advocacy organization, Animal Equality.
The video is part of an extensive investigation inside industrial chicken hatcheries in Spain. Over the last week, dozens of media outlets around the world have been echoing the terrible mistreatment that we documented. The footage was filmed over a course of two years and shows how workers rip the heads off of baby chicks, or throw them alive into trash cans when they aren't considered profitable.